Floral Design Teacher Interview Questions

There are 3 different sets of questions for this title
46 Share an experience in which your understanding of a current or upcoming problem helped your company to respond to the problem.
47 Share an experience in which your attention to detail and thoroughness had an impact on your last company.
48 Provide a time when you dealt calmly and effectively with a high-stress situation.
49 Name a time when your creativity or alternative thinking solved a problem in your workplace.
50 Tell me about a time when you developed your own way of doing things or were self-motivated to finish an important task.
51 Provide a time when you worked in a rapidly evolving workplace. How did you deal with the change? (Make sure the candidate is flexible.)
52 Share an effective method you have used to assign and grade class work and homework.
53 Share a time when you've taught using methods other than a lecture. What was the outcome?
54 What is the most challenging part of budgeting for you?
55 Describe a time when you successfully persuaded another person to change his/her way of thinking or behavior.
56 Share an example of when you established and accomplished a goal that was personally challenging. What helped you succeed?
57 How have you used technology to aid your teaching?
58 How do you prepare your students for later grades? (Does the teacher encourage his or her students to explore learning opportunities and persevere with difficult tasks?)
59 Provide a time when you had to tell a parent that their child was not progressing. Was there a time when the parent didn't take it well? How did you handle the situation?
60 Provide an experience when you needed to meet with a student's parents to resolve the student's behavioral or academic problems. What was the end result?