Sports Writer Interview Questions

There are 2 different sets of questions for this title
31 Do you have any experience photographing or videotaping news events, or request that a photographer be assigned to provide such coverage?
32 Share an experience in which you successfully coordinated with others. How about a coordination effort that was not as successful?
33 Describe an experience when you transmitted news stories or reported information from remote locations, using equipment such as satellite phones, telephones, fax machines, or modems.
34 Tell me about the last time you monitored or reviewed information and detected a problem. How did you respond?
35 Name a time when your creativity or alternative thinking solved a problem in your workplace.
36 Share an experience in which your willingness to lead or offer an opinion helped your company.
37 What are your writing skills when it comes to writing columns, editorials, commentaries, or reviews that interpret events or offer opinions? Share an example.
38 Provide an experience in which you were sensitive to somone's needs or feelings. How did your helpfulness affect your work environment?
39 Share an experience in which personal connections to coworkers or others helped you to be successful in your work. (Make sure candidate works well with others.)
40 What kind of experience do you have writing reviews of literary, musical, or other artwork, based on knowledge, judgment, or experience?
41 Share an example when you took pictures and video and processed them for inclusion in a story.
42 How often have you participated in community events, made public appearances, and conducted community service?
43 What is the most challenging part of establishing and maintaining relationships with individuals who are credible sources of information?
44 Name a time when you reported on green technology or environmental issues, such as pollution, energy effiency, recycling, or renewable energy.