Safety Assistant Interview Questions

1 Tell me about an experience in which you analyzed information and evaluated results to choose the best solution to a problem.
2 Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work.
3 How do you make sure that safety equipment such as hearing protection and respirators is available to employees, and monitor their use of such equipment to ensure proper fit and use?
4 Describe an experience when you evaluated situations where a worker has refused to work on the grounds that danger or potential harm exists, and determine how such situations should be handled.
5 What kind of experience do you have testing workplaces for environmental hazards, such as exposure to radiation, chemical or biological hazards, or excessive noise?
6 Share an experience you had in dealing with a difficult person and how you handled the situation.
7 In your experience, what is the key to ensuring your company was compliant with all laws, regulations and standards that were applicable to your area of responsibility?
8 Share an effective approach to working with a large amount of information/data. How has your approach affected your company?
9 Tell me about the last time you monitored or reviewed information and detected a problem. How did you respond?
10 Provide an example of a time when you were able to demonstrate excellent listening skills. What was the situation and outcome?
11 Give me an example of when you thought outside of the box. How did it help your employer?
12 Please share an experience in which you presented to a group. What was the situation and how did it go?
13 Provide an example when your ethics were tested.
14 Share an example of when you went above and beyond the "call of duty". (Look for answers that show the candidate is dependable.)
15 Name a time when you identified strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions to problems. What was the impact?