Applied Exercise Physiologist Interview Questions

1 Describe an effective behavior modification class, e.g. stress management, which you taught.
2 Share an experience in which you provided appropriate medical care to a participant in physical distress.
3 Provide an experience in which you effectively presented information at a professional meeting.
4 Tell me about an effective exercise physiology research project which you conducted.
5 Share an experience in which you successfully trained a staff in leading group exercise. What methods made you successful?
6 Share an effective method you have used to evaluate staff performance.
7 Provide an effective method you have used to educate athletes and coaches on techniques to improve athletic performance.
8 Share an experience in which your assessment of physical performance requirements helped you to develop and effective recovery program.
9 Tell me about a course you taught related to exercise or diet.
10 Provide an experience in which you recommended an effective method to increase lifestyle physical activity.
11 Share an experience in which you provided clinical oversight of exercise for participants at all risk levels.
12 What factors do you consider when prescribing individualized exercise programs?
13 Provide a time when performed routine laboratory tests of blood samples for cholesterol level or glucose tolerance.
14 Share your experience using spirometers to measure oxygen consumption or lung functioning.
15 Describe your experience measuring body fat.